Womack exits, new changes to title competition
Pollo Road officials confirmed recent speculation that Duke Womack, who has served as the promotion's matchmaker for the past year, has not renewed his contract. According to reports, both sides have agreed to move on so that he can explore other opportunities within the industry. Womack's most notable contribution to Pollo Road was his tireless efforts to get Matt Pulver reinstated from a career threatening medical suspension. Somewhere, AJ Knight just muttered "a lot of good that did"...
Womack released a statement shortly after news broke, saying: "Pollo Road has been great to me. The promotion is in great hands with Super Pollo at the helm, and this gives me a chance to get away from those hockey dorks."
We wish you the best, Duke!
Super Pollo, PR President, announced a coming change to Pollo Road and revolutionary idea to the tag team division. Under Los Pollos rule, a trio such as the Punch Line can dictate which two of its members can defend the tag team championship, giving them a strategic advantage. However, in an effort to balance things for the challengers... the champions must now be ready to defend against both traditional tag teams and trios! Should a traditional tag team win the belts, they may not add a member to defend the belts - their defenses will be solely against traditional tag teams. Only teams utilizing Los Pollos' rule will have to contend with both.
It was also announced that singles titles in Pollo Road will utilize a three-point system to determine contendership for the title. Under the system, fighters will need to accumulate three consecutive wins in order to be eligible to challenge for the title.